How to downgrade Music Maker version?

MrArtipo wrote on 1/1/2023, 4:54 AM

Hi friends,
I used to love Music Maker, I created, edited and mastered more than a hundred songs with this DAW.
At some point, there has been a complete transformation of the software. I believe it was version 30 (not sure). The interface was redesigned, became prettier but bulky, slower and unintuitive. You couldn't recognize Music Maker anymore and, since then, all the fun is gone for me. It used to look and feel pro and tight, not anymore.

I would like to get back to the previous interface of the program, as it was in version 28 (perhaps up to 29?)
How can we downgrade the program from the updates regretfully installed?

Thanks in advance for your answers :)

(note: I still have the v25 installer backed up. Perhaps I could reinstall from that, but in this case I would need the most recent update patch to the last version of the previous interface (maybe patch v29?). Are Music Maker previous patches available to download somewhere?)


Graham-Hawker wrote on 1/1/2023, 7:37 AM

When a latest version didn't work for me Magix provided me with a download link for an exe file rather than just the installer and I could go back to version 29. The annoying thing these days is that new installation remove older version while it used to be the case you could keep the old version as well. Perhaps if you contact Magix they would provide you with a link.

MrArtipo wrote on 1/1/2023, 8:22 AM

When a latest version didn't work for me Magix provided me with a download link for an exe file rather than just the installer and I could go back to version 29. The annoying thing these days is that new installation remove older version while it used to be the case you could keep the old version as well. Perhaps if you contact Magix they would provide you with a link.


Thanks a lot, Graham. You know what? I have just discovered that the new version has been installed in a different folder, and the version 28 is preserved intact in the former emplacement!

Version ✝25, ✝27, 28: "C:\Program Files (x86)\MAGIX\Music Maker\28\MusicMaker.exe"
Version ✝29, ✝30, 31: "C:\Program Files\MAGIX\Music Maker\31\MusicMaker.exe"

Thanks again for your answer :)