
john-auvil wrote on 8/9/2010, 9:22 AM

Movie Edit Pro allows you to export a frame as a BMP or JPG file.


To do this, you need to be in Time-line mode, and place the play cursor on the frame you want as a picture, then go th the drop down menu "File" an select Export, Export as single frame, then choose whether you want BMP or JPG.

john-auvil wrote on 8/11/2010, 12:22 PM

Yes, but if you place the time line on the portion of the clip that shows the image in the preview monitor that you want as a single image then you go to File, Export, Export as single frame and then choose JPG then you will get just a single frame image based on the location of the timeline position at the time of export.


That is how it works in Movie Edit Pro 16

reza2010 wrote on 8/11/2010, 9:18 PM

thank you. I appreciate your time .i tried it it works. thank you for your help