How to back up sounds and soundpools? MMguy wrote on 12/14/2017, 9:58 AM Hi Just installed MM Premium and bought soundpools and instruments. I remember seeing a message telling me that I could back up on a dvd sounds/pools. I forgot what it said does anyone know where I would access these to back them up? Back to post
Comments browj2 wrote on 12/14/2017, 12:10 PM C:\Users\Public\Documents\MAGIX\Common\Soundpools Assuming that you put them there. John CB MMguy wrote on 12/14/2017, 12:51 PM Thanks I finally found the files.. Another question do you know if I purchased Dune 2 VST plugin would that work with this program? browj2 wrote on 12/14/2017, 12:58 PM Re Dune 2 - no idea. 1