How to add stereo-to-mono to the plugin chain?

gary-o wrote on 5/4/2021, 2:36 AM

Hello, there are a number of effects that aren't listed as actual effects - in particular the stereo-to-mono process effect.

How do I add these to a plugin chain?

For example, I'd like to start a plugin chain by converting an audio file to mono. currently I have to do this manually before executing a plugin chain.

(BTW I looked at the Pan FX, but I don't want two channels in stereo: I need one mono channel, both channels combined 100%, say).


rraud wrote on 5/4/2021, 11:04 AM

Hi @gary-o,
AFAIK, Sound Forge's converter is not a plug-in and therefore can not be applied to chain. A custom script could be written though, if one does not already exist. Batch converter can convert files to single-channel (mono) in the 'Save' options.

If you need to pan left-right content to the center (or compress the stereo width) there are plug-ins available (free and otherwise). Off-hand, I am aware of two free VSTs, Kelly Indus' Stereo Tool and TDR's Proximity. Both can alter the width (down to mono), swap L/R, ect. Like most VST plug-ins, both can be automated as well.

gary-o wrote on 5/4/2021, 7:50 PM

OK thanks. Batch converter might do the job. I can convert all my files to mono in one sweep and then create the same plug-in chain as a set of batch effects. Should save a lot of time :)

Not sure what you mean by "width down to mono" - is it the same as creating a single channel from a stereo file, thereby doubling the bitrate?

rraud wrote on 5/5/2021, 10:33 AM

Yes, a plug-in or plug-in chain can be added to a batch job as well.

"width down to mono" - is it the same as creating a single channel from a stereo file, thereby doubling the bitrate?

'Proximity or 'Stereo Tools' would not create a single-channel file and has nothing to do with the file's bit-rate, sample-rate or bit-depth. The tool would typically be used if the spacial content (in a stereo recording) is abnormally wide. The left/right content can be brought closer to the (phantom) center. It would still be two-channel file.