With my purchase of the latest version of VPX-4.0 now completed, I have, surplus to my needs, a recent 'MX' video-editor which I wish to give, as a gift, to my adult daughter who has taken up video-making on my urging, and who lives at a different address. I will retain the use of 'VPX' for my own use, and 'MEP17Plus' as back-up.
Could you please advise me of the steps necessary to re-activate this software from her computer, given that it is not the one on which the software was activated in-the-first-place and nor is she the original purchaser? The 'MX' package was not of the 'Plus' specification and cannot really foot-it for the uses I put it to, unlike 'MEP17' which is perfect for most of what I do. The new package, eg 'VPX4.0', will be installed in a new computer, which I wish to purchase shortly.
Your assistance with this 'one' will be most appreciated.
Ian Smith
Dunedin, New Zealand.