How I can have scheduled Radio recording automatically converted to MP3 ?

atanas wrote on 1/21/2009, 7:46 PM
I have a special folder where my MP3 content is being streamed by specialized software throughout the network. Would be great if scheduled Radio recording is automatically converted from WMA to MP3 into that folder. WITHOUT any manual intervention.
It would be convenient to specify such convertion details in the recording task.


feluraunt wrote on 1/22/2009, 10:54 AM
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What program version are you using?

From my understanding WMA is not something that can be converted, the file is already processed with a loss in quality, and further reducing it by converting it to MP3 will degrade the audio more.

Also, WMA is a Microsoft audio format which could have a DRM restriction that disables the ability to convert. I personally use the MP3 Maker 14 program to record the internet stream (what is heard) directly into MP3 format. Then again, the station I record is streaming in MP3 format.

I know magix has a application called music editor that allows you to record anything from the computer as long as your sound card is setup to record the stereo wave output from the sound card, in that case you could record the audio directly into MP3 format but, you would lose any metadata associated with it.