I'm not sure if I fully understand what you mean,but I think I have a good idea. So,you could try the following: assuming you have the Video file open on the Timeline and the Music file open somewhere below it??? OK,then. On the Music track,LEFT click with the mouse at the very end of your music file and simply drag it back to the point where your Video ends. Then drag the Fade- out bar backwards a little bit. Play the whole thing (Video and Music) from the beginnning and listen for where the music starts to fade out. You obviously won't get the whole music track,but at least fading it out this way sounds neater and will finish more-or-less with your video! Regards, Ray (Tooley)
I am having the same problem and I am pretty sure what he means is this: He had a video in the timeline, and had an audio file below it. he dragged the audio file short so it would end with the video, but after he exported/rendered the video, where the video should have ended, there is a large empty black space where the song you had USED to be until you cut it short. I also changed some things and tried rendering it again, but the video didn't even show up, and all I got was the audio. Atleast, thats the problem I am having, I dont know about him.