How do you reduce a 48 minute .wav file 1.09 seconds to sync with mp4

brett-h wrote on 5/18/2022, 7:30 PM

I recorded 2 mp4 (mono sound) files and recorded an additional audio.wav (in stereo) file simultaneously. The audio.wav file is 1.09 longer than the video files. I know the audio.wave file is not the right length as I had 2 video mp4 files recorded and they match. I am using sound forge audio studio ver 15 build 121 on windows 10 pro pc. In sound forge/jprocess/time I see stretch and elastic time stretch. not sure which one to use and I need a link to a good tutorial as well (prefer English speaking vids) Thanks in advance, cheers!


rraud wrote on 5/19/2022, 11:57 AM

Hi @brett-h, The fastest-easiest way is to do it would be in Vegas, Hold the Ctrl, key and drag the event end to match that of the video of other audio. If sycn is not an issue, forgo the time change and Vegas will extend the rendered length automatically.

In Sound Forge I would use "Process> Time> e'lastic Timestretch"

I am not up tp date on tutorials... Search

brett-h wrote on 5/21/2022, 11:40 AM

Thank you, that worked "Hold the Ctrl, key and drag the event end to match that of the video of other audio" New to Vegas Pro and although I had seen that before I had forgotten. Solved!