
gandjcarr wrote on 7/17/2013, 12:25 PM


A little while ago I created a youtube video on exactly this topic.

Good luck,


ttrax12 wrote on 1/5/2014, 9:23 AM

Hi George, 

thanks for that info, I too was stuck on how to do PiP...your method is how one would do it in a standard video editor, and works here too, however when I tried to figure it out in the Magix Photostory 2014 Complete demo it does not seem to put PiP photo on a seperate track at all, but its intigrated with the main pix - ditto for the collage demo.  Its really difficult to see how this has been done...can you possibly explain further?

Many thanks


gandjcarr wrote on 1/5/2014, 12:03 PM

Hi Trish,

I don't actually use PhotoStory because I find it too limiting with what I can do.  The Photostory trial does for whatever reason not allow PIP or Collage functionality.  Go figure.  You are trying to test an application and you are not really allowed to fully test it.  I edit everything in Movie Edit Pro, and if you have not already purchased photo story, I highly reccomend it even if right now all you want to do is create slide shows.  I could easily show you how to do this in MEP (as I do not have the full paid version of PhotoStory) and also show you how you will have way more flexibility than PhotoStory will ever provide.  In MEP, you can do pretty much as many picture in picture effects as you want.  In photo story, I think that there are only 4 tracks available, and one is dedicated to audio.  In MEP you have depending on the version you purchase up to 99 tracks to create your production.  Please do yourself a favor and download the MEP 2014 trial, I am using MEP MX Premium but the interface is very similar, and I could walk you through this with a very quick YouTube video.

I don't work for Magix, nor do most of the people who post on this site so I have no vested interest in what you purchase, I just want you to get the results that you want now and in the future and be able to help answer your questions.


ttrax12 wrote on 1/5/2014, 3:18 PM

Thanks for your response George, 

Well I actually DID buy the full Photostory 2014 yesterday - this might sound nuts but I have Vegas Pro which of course could easily do a slide show...but its a massive app consuming a lot of CPU and quite complex at times...and I have a series of slide projects coming up i want to do very fast with no pain and virtually automate the process, which would be more longwinded in the Photostory demo they do have both single and collage PiP but its difficult to 'back-engineer' to establish their process...I am actually surprised at the advanced functionality in this program, never expected it to be so full featured so I will persevere...I am sure that their support must have a decent answer for this query and I will 'try' and persue it with them!  I can only assume MEP would end up being another complex editor so may as well stick to Vegas.

Thanks for your assistance!


belle_milan wrote on 7/22/2014, 10:57 AM

I also have the same problem with picture-in-picture collage.  I purchased the software, but it is not giving me the options/selections to make pip.  It is just blank when I click on pip collage. Can someone please help?