How do I stop the cursor following the mouse whilst editing?

Liroy wrote on 6/26/2009, 2:47 AM

This problem is linked to Edit Pro 14, and not Edit Pro 11 (which I have been using for the pat two years). While I am editing, I often play a section of the video whilst cutting and moving another section. In Edit Pro 14, the mouse is very sensitive and as soon as I move the mourse to edit a different section, the cursor (play function)  follows the mouse. This makes editing very slow and frustrating as I can only do one thing at a time. Any ideas. Also just to mention that somedays its fine and other days its a problem so its not consistent. I am sure the solution is very simple, I just don't know it.


massi04 wrote on 6/30/2009, 10:21 AM
I would like to make a suggestion from how I solve this in MEP 15:

Double click to enlarge

Set the markers 1 to 3 (upperkey+1,...) to your editing position. Jump back to this position by simply entering 1. In the meantime you could do any other action.
I hope this might help you.