
Procyon wrote on 11/29/2010, 8:53 PM

As you've can't with MMM.  It's not likely with any other software either.  "Close" is as close as you're going to get in my opinion.

breasdaddy75 wrote on 11/30/2010, 9:38 PM

Go on you tube and search acapella  and how to extract vocals...... It's not the easiest or cleanest but it might be the best option you have....  Good luck

Procyon wrote on 12/1/2010, 10:51 PM

Unfortunately, one of the better methods requires that you have the same track minus the vocals.  How often is that going to happen?


Using the karaoke function won't cut it as it alters the frequencies of the track.  That's assuming you have a karaoke feature that actually functions.