
cpc000cpc wrote on 12/20/2011, 5:15 PM


It's really difficult to provide much of an answer when your question gives such little information.

The menu option 'File' >> 'Export movie' >> 'Video as...' offers many choices of file type, and most types provide a number of options for format details from the 'Preset' dropdown at the top of the export window. In addition you can set your own parameters -- particularly under the 'Advanced' section provided.

What settings did you use for your export? If you made an export suitable for display on a mobile phone it will of course lack quality if viewed on a high resolution PC monitor.



david wrote on 12/20/2011, 9:44 PM

Export using the same settings as your raw source.  If you don't know what they are get the free Media Info or GSpot programs.



Yuujin05 wrote on 12/22/2011, 5:34 AM


Export using the same settings as your raw source.  If you don't know what they are get the free Media Info or GSpot programs.



im actually using the same settings but the quality is still lessen.. im not really familiar with different programs since it's my first time editing videos, what are GSpot programs?

Yuujin05 wrote on 12/22/2011, 5:36 AM






It's really difficult to provide much of an answer when your question gives such little information.

The menu option 'File' >> 'Export movie' >> 'Video as...' offers many choices of file type, and most types provide a number of options for format details from the 'Preset' dropdown at the top of the export window. In addition you can set your own parameters -- particularly under the 'Advanced' section provided.

What settings did you use for your export? If you made an export suitable for display on a mobile phone it will of course lack quality if viewed on a high resolution PC monitor.




i cant give much info cause im not familiar with different settings..>.

 im just using the same file type as to what my imported file is..>.

david wrote on 12/22/2011, 6:27 PM

GSpot and Media Info are free programs that will tell you all about the video and audio information of your file.  I would suggest down loading Media Info and compare what it says about your original file and the one you exported.  Let us know what you come up with.  Note that its kind of hard to get to the actual Media Info download section with all the ads and everything.

Key items to compare would be the codec, bit rate, frame rate for both video an audio.

Getting back to Carl's original answer, you really haven't provided much info so people can help.  You can't just take your car to a mechanic, tell him is doesn't run as good as it should and then expect him to give you answer as to what is wrong.

How is the quality less?

The more info you give, the more likely someone will be able to help.
