
nietvelt wrote on 2/22/2010, 1:43 PM
If I understand you correctly you are trying to get rid of something that appears in a photo.  The way I do that is to edit the picture (goes into Magix Photo 6 application) and use the "clone" feature.  Essentially this "hides" the unwanted object, rather than removing it.

Once in Magix Photo 6, which you get to by right clicking the photo and choosing the edit function, select the "1 Click" option in the task bar near the top of the page.  This opens up a number of tabs and I think it is under the second tab at the bottom.  As the manual states, this function "removes annoying object from a picture by copying a different section".

As an example, let's say you had a photo with a painting shown on the wall behind a person and you wanted to get rid of the painting because it is distracting.  Click on "clone", then find a part of the photo that shows the wall without a painting.  Hold down the <shift> key and left click your mouse on the "clear" wall area of the photo.  This serves to sort of take a picture of that part of the photo.  Now let the <shift> key go, and click on the offending painting and move the mouse back and forth.  You will see 2 "gun sights" - one representing where your mouse "was" (on the clear area of the wall) and one where your mouse "is" (on the offending painting).  Run the mouse back and forth and you will see the painting "disappear" as the clear part of the wall is copied over top of it.  (Also great for "removing" blemishes!)