I cant find any videos explaining it, and Ive clicked around and cant seem to find the function. I was pretty sure I heard in the original video i could screen capture. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance.
Klick the red button (Record) under the monitor, and then Screen (middle pic.). In "Screen capture" (right) you fill in name, size and place for the record. Klick red button again, and a new information comes before you start the recording. You will need to experiment a little.
If you want to capture editing in MEP you will need to activate MEP twice ! (I use MEP MX)
I need some clarification from you. Asoeli has given you a sequence of screens that you should get when you open or create a new project and click the red "record button on the video monitor in the timeline mode.
My questions are:
If you don't get the dialogue box, what do you get when you click on the record button in the preview monitor?