How do I play a track backwards?

skunkman wrote on 12/4/2016, 8:08 PM

I have some sound files from an old tape recorder that were played back the wrong way, the tape was not rewound after it was played.

When it was played the sounds tracks were backward. The tape recorder and the tapes are no longer available.

The help files say that there is a way to play material backward.

I hope i can also save the resulting reversed track.


John-Brown wrote on 9/15/2018, 10:19 AM


(top row menu options next to FILE / EDIT...)

emmrecs wrote on 9/15/2018, 10:23 AM

@John-Brown, welcome to the Magix forums.

I see you have made valuable contributions to two threads; thank you for that.

But I wonder whether you noticed this thread was actually created nearly two years ago? I'm pretty certain either the OP has found the method to resolve his problem, or he has given up on it!😁

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