I presume that you have MEP Plus or Premium and have downloaded and installed all of the Extra Content. Yes?
Under the Effects tab, Titles, you have many Title effects that you can use. However, adding in a logo requires the logo as an image that you put on the timeline, resize, position, and add in whatever effects that you are looking for. You can modify the titles and title effects somewhat. The background is for you to do. There are some that come with the Templates under Image Objects, Backgrounds. These are just video clips made by someone. You can buy others from anywhere that makes backgrounds, including Magix, or make your own.
You can look at BluffTitler, in which you can create your own fancy intros, titles, backgrounds, etc.
This is not a helpful reply. No links are provided. Information provided is all over the place and not solution oriented. Thanks for trying though.
Yup. sometimes I do feel this way as well. The guys here knows very well MEP and some even uses it for a living. At first glance, an answer like that would be "what the...?" for me as well; even as I have used MEP for years. But at least they will point me to the right direction and lots of self discoveries on what they mentioned.
The answer John CB gave is the best you're going to get if you want to use MEP; all the links within the program he's shown.
A far as I know the simple answer to your question is NO, you'll have to work with what there is and modify things as required.
YR's comment about YouTube is perfectly valid.
As for info re BluffTitler, Google is your friend.
With regard to Terry's comment, I agree 100%. Why should anyone try to assist with a problem or request for help only to have the OP say there advice is "not helpful"
Writing as a forum moderator I would wholeheartedly concur with what @terrypin and @me_again have both written.
There is nothing to be gained by taking the attitude your post demonstrates. You are asking for help with a specific problem; @browj2 and @yvon-robert both gave you very informative responses. To dismiss the first of those replies as "not helpful" will, inevitably, lead to others essentially telling you "you're on your own"!
The forum is a place for users to ask other users about Magix software and for replies to be written in a friendly, constructive and helpful way. The forum moderators are charged by Magix with ensuring this happens.
Please do continue to post, but without dismissing any advice which you feel is not exactly what you want. . Otherwise your access to the forums may be withdrawn.
I was not intending to give you step by step instructions as to how to make an intro similar to the one that you showed. I did, however, give you guidance. Reread what I told you.
Maybe this is more clear:
Select a suitable background from Templates under Image Objects, Backgrounds or make your own, or find one on the internet. Surely I don't have to give you websites or explain to you how to put in a search term into Google, like "video backgrounds" and then look around to see if there is something that you like.
Look at the various Text templates that come with MEP. Try one that you like and modify it or make your own.
Import a logo. I am not going to give you instructions as to how to make a logo.
Use the various effects in MEP to get the result that YOU want.
Or use Blufftitler. Do I really have to give you the website address? Try adding a .com.
We don't know your skill level in MEP. It would be helpful if you gave us some guidance.
Here are a few examples that I made using the bg_bright background from MEP, two text titles, and some movement, size, position, distortion effects, as well as a Knoll Light Factory effect in the first case, and a NewBlue spotlight effect in the last case. The logos were made in Xara, exported a transparent png files and imported into MEP, sized, positioned, etc. In the second case, I did the logo and text in Xara, making it easier to manipulate the two together in MEP. One can play around with these all day, but it requires a good knowledge as to how to use effects.
It would be a tremendous help if you provide a screen shot of where those effects are located and / or how they are imported into the MEP software. Are those effects inside MEP by default, a short note about where one could access the elements you are referencing would be a tremendous help not only to myself, but to others reading this forum.
Regarding the forum moderator person, are they "moderating" this forum? doesn't seem like it.
A great forum moderator really takes an interest in the forum, and does not take a personal offense when a forum user is frustrated and lost.
An exemplary job as a forum moderator would be reading what you wrote and building upon it, and backing it up with detailed responses and links to help grow the helpfulness of this forum.
A great moderator will do this style of moderation, instead of unhelpful information policy speak not aimed at the larger goals of helping forum users. By taking every opportunity to extensively build out detailed responses on these threads, the forum will become a valuable resource.
-I could not find Knoll Light Factory you mentioned inside of MEP.
-I could not find the "bg_bright background" but I found one called Horizon Bright, which looks similar?
-NewBlue spotlight effect = no idea where this is located. The forum moderator could send a screen shot of where this is located, and also put links to where a user could also purchase others, if there are any others for purchase.
Sorry my impatient tone, it is not my intention, I just get the feeling it should be quite easy to make a logo spin around and put a flare on it with all this functionality, I have invested over 9 hours on this alone, and still dead in the water.
Is there some other plugins which I can buy to speed up the process with this kind of thing. The template I saw inside of there by default were absolutely terrible, and I mean REALLY BAD, like 1980's graphic design, and I am thinking that I am missing something, i.e. how to find the good effects, good plugins?
I happen to have a subscription to https://elements.envato.com/video-templates and I am wondering if I can use any of the effects plugins there ? Do they work for MEP ? ANy other suggestions to once off subscription sites that will increase the template library of MEP ?
Thank you in advance!
I am grateful for your response and trying to help me through this initial learning curve.
I looked at Bluff Titler ( https://www.outerspace-software.com/blufftitler ) and found those to be extremely kitchy looking and not useful. Also, what I need is for this to be INSIDE of the software as a plugin...etc.
I am wondering if there is some easy template for making a cool logo stinger intro video?
Hi VideoPro.
I've been using this program now for about four months and as far as I can assertain from your question, the answer would be no.
Having said that it is possible to build your own up if you have any basic knowledge of photographic editing in general and understand the use of keyframe animation in video editing software. That is how the title templates are made up. They are a combination of background images and text placed within them, animated into frame opsitions across the screen.
If you click on the 'STORE' tab within the main MEP editor window you will currently find around four packages of title templates you can buy and import directly from that area but they are in my opinion, a bit limited in choice. I think we all have our own ideas on titling and therefore it's hard to find anything that fits an individual choice for the feel of an individual project. It's normally far quicker and easier to make your own in the long run once you get into how to make them, particularly if you need a custom look to each one.
MEP does allow a large degree of customisation in it's titling, from the placement of text, to type face choice and size which can be expanded easily as it's already added all my Adobe and custom font files, colourisation, 3D and shadow adjustment and placement as well as animation through the use of keyframes. Then it's just a case of getting your background sorted and animated if needed to match.
You would probably need to move to the Vegas Editing platform to find a title editor that works as a plugin within an editor or the Adobe alternatives. NewBlue have probably the best titling plugin software at present. NewBlue doesn't list MEP as a platform to use its titling software as a plugin but does cite Vegas.
I have searched for hours for a basic tutorial on how to move the position of a title, and cannot find any tutorials? Why would this not be covered in the main video tutorial section?
Normally I can move the title to 'almost' anywhere on the screen box by selecting the title text frame on the monitor. That's by click and drag the red circled item on your original attached screen-grab. Almost because of the frame constrain within the display.
You have to click or double-click (and then click the checkbox ) of the object that is actually the text. For a caption, it's usually the last one at the highest track of the group. In your screen shot, you need to scroll down to see the last object of the group. It should say Lorem Ipsum Dolor or something.
You have to click or double-click (and then click the checkbox ) of the object that is actually the text. For a caption, it's usually the last one at the highest track of the group. In your screen shot, you need to scroll down to see the last object of the group. It should say Lorem Ipsum Dolor or something.
More later.
Thank you, but I am not able to understand because there are too many variables left out of this. It would be helpful if you provide screen shots of which buttons need to be selected.
Normally I can move the title to 'almost' anywhere on the screen box by selecting the title text frame on the monitor. That's by click and drag the red circled item on your original attached screen-grab. Almost because of the frame constrain within the display.
Your reply does not make sense to me, but thank you for trying to help.
Normally I can move the title to 'almost' anywhere on the screen box by selecting the title text frame on the monitor. That's by click and drag the red circled item on your original attached screen-grab. Almost because of the frame constrain within the display.
Your reply does not make sense to me, but thank you for trying to help.
I've redone your example with extra arrows attached to help explain.
Place youre timeline marker (Marked Red Arrow 1) to where you want the placement to begin and then press the + diamond symbol in the Keyframe editor (Yellow arrow 2) then place the timeline marker where you want the the movement to end in the timeline. I've used an arbitary point (Blue arrow 3) You would have to stay within the limits of the tracks you have laid down but those limits can be stretched or shortened by dragging the track ends left or right within the selected tracks) Once you have that point set, move your text box to the end point of travel that you have chosen and then press the +diamond (Yellow arrow 2) again to produce a second keyframe point. This is very basic. A lot more can be done within the Keyframe editor if need be once you get used to it. Such as speeding up or slowing down the movement by adding more keyframes within the alotted timeline. You could expand or contracting the text, and a lot more if you have the time or inclination. Moving the text box around can be a bit hit and miss (The text may drift up of down as well as the direction of travel you want) but once you get into how to type in positions rather than drag the box around the screen you can get more precision in the movement.
You have to click or double-click (and then click the checkbox ) of the object that is actually the text. For a caption, it's usually the last one at the highest track of the group. In your screen shot, you need to scroll down to see the last object of the group. It should say Lorem Ipsum Dolor or something.
More later.
Thank you, but I am not able to understand because there are too many variables left out of this. It would be helpful if you provide screen shots of which buttons need to be selected.
I can't scroll down on your computer! I can't give you screen shots of your computer. Do you know how to scroll down vertically on the Project Window (Timeline window) to see more tracks?
EDIT: We can't see the text on the objects highlighted in yellow because they are too small (horizontally) for the text to appear. Zoom in horizontally using the + button to the right of the horizontal scroll bar at the bottom of your screen until you can read what is written on the yellow objects.
No buttons have to be pressed, just scroll down vertically to see track 9 or 10, whichever is the lowest of the group that is already high-lighted in yellow. It's easy to tell which object is the text object - the name of the object on the timeline starts with whatever your title says. Double-click on that one. The text box should open for you in the preview window to be able to change the text. This is exactly the same as every other text box. Click on the check mark to close the text box. Now you'll see that the text box has a dashed line around it. Grab the box with your mouse and move it somewhere. Release. The entire effect should follow to the new location.
If you want the text to go to a new location without the rest of the stuff, like the background box, etc., then do as CubeAce indicated.
I asked you about your skill level. You are obviously a novice. I suggest that you start by learning the basics of the program first. Keyframing is advanced stuff.
One thing, for animating a simple title, we position it first by dragging it to the position that we want, then switch to Size/Position, Rotation, 3D Distortion and other effects that are under the Effects tab. I suggest that you look at the effects that you have and learn how to use them. Read the manual. BTW, an effect gets applied to the object that is selected, so if nothing happens to the object that you are looking at in the preview monitor (that is where the playback marker is located) when you change the parameters of an effect, it's because you selected a different object and not the one that is showing in the preview monitor.
You dissed BluffTitler as "kitchy" and not useful. You obviously don't have a clue about what can be done with it. The "kitchy" templates that are sold separately can be completely modified. Most of the things that you see in those templates can be constructed within BT. The hundred or so templates that come with the program are quite simple and serve to instruct users about how to use the various effects (hundreds if not thousands of effects and parameters). Below is an example of a simple template that I modified a bit just to show someone on the Vegas forum how his request for something similar, an image carousel, could be done using BT. Your initial request is something that is easily done in BT, including the background and effects, much better than what I did in MEP; I just showed you how to do something similar in MEP.
As per some of your other requests for templates, you will probably never find a template anywhere that does exactly what YOU want. That is why we learn how to make them and modify them. There are tools to do so, but you have to learn how to use them. Most of the captions that have a banner or background with them, are not create in MEP. They're done with a graphics program with animation, similar to Xara (see my tutorials on Xara), BluffTitler, NewBlue Titler Pro, Adobe After Effects, and require skill and patience. The problem becomes spending almost all of your time creating that one perfect effect, and very little time producing a good video.
That was very helpful. I am watching the longer video tutorials you made, and solving dozens of problems from watching that tutorial, I appreciate it!
Regarding the title tutorial you sent:
Would you be able to do one more tutorial, but instead choose the first blue title under the SIMPLE TITLES collection called BLUE PUZZLE? I am including a screen shot for you:
When I try moving this title to the very top of the screen it bounces back to the middle.
I think the problem is specific to this one? It has a track that goes outside of the window, and prevents it from moving the title to the very top of the screen. Unless I am doing something wrong here?
How do I select only those 4 title sub tracks as a group? I keep trying to hold down cntl key or shift key, but not sure what the best is to move those as a group?