How do I install the USB video convertor in Windows XP?

AndrewN wrote on 2/2/2011, 1:30 PM

I am installing Rescue Your Videotapes but when trying to install the USB Video convertor, clicking on "Select USB Drivers" produces the message "System cannot detect the device on yoUr computer, please make sure the device is connected . 


The installation instructions make it clear that the device should NOT be connected until after the installation instructions have finished. Connecting the device and following the "New Hardware" wizard doesn't work, as trying to transfer tape to disc produces the error message "No recording device has been found in your system".


Any assistance you can offer will be greatly appreciated.


Andrew N


Man o' Lakes wrote on 2/4/2011, 4:45 AM

Hi Andrew,


what colour is your USB device? Black, or red and white. That makes a huge difference.  Once that's clear, getting you the right driver and it installed isn't that hard.  Cheers M o' L

AndrewN wrote on 2/4/2011, 12:30 PM

Hi, M o' L,


Many thanks for the prompt response. I have the red & white version. Where to next?




Andrew N

Man o' Lakes wrote on 2/16/2011, 4:38 AM

Hi AndrewN, sorry about the delay. Got the following off a user, and it has the latest driver plus instructions-


Download the following driver directly from the link below, and unzip it.

Now turn ALL security software OFF: all antivirus software etc. Very important!

Disconnect all other USB devices, including hubs (this advice also applies when subsequently recording videos). Attach the red and white USB device directly to a USB port on your computer.

Should the automatic Windows installer pop up the moment you plug in the USB device, stop it.

In the file you have 'unzipped', you will see a setup.exe file. Run it.


Worked for me. Good luck, M o' L