I've captured film clips from my Canon FS200 camcorder before so you can understand how frustrated I now feel not being able to do it today. I have just one 30-second clip on the memory card. It plays on my camcorder but I can not transfer the clip to my computer.
On the MEP 16 I think I tried all options and I always get this notice - "Could not connect to selected device." First I tried with the camcorder connected to my computer with a USB 2.0 cable and then I just put the SP HC 60 HD memory card in the computer slot. I always get that depressing message.
Could someone give me a step-by-step way to capture my clip to the editing program. This should be so easy but I can't do it. Last night I saw a program on Public TV about how the brain shrinks as a person gets older. Perhaps that's my problem.