How do I capture from camcorder to computer (Magix Edit Pro)?

Former user wrote on 12/3/2012, 12:08 PM

I've captured film clips from my Canon FS200 camcorder before so you can understand how frustrated I now feel not being able to do it today. I have just one 30-second clip on the memory card. It plays on my camcorder but I can not transfer the clip to my computer.

On the MEP 16 I think I tried all options and I always get this notice - "Could not connect to selected device." First I tried with the camcorder connected to my computer with a USB 2.0 cable and then I just put the SP HC 60 HD memory card in the computer slot. I always get that depressing message.

Could someone give me a step-by-step way to capture my clip to the editing program. This should be so easy but I can't do it. Last night I saw a program on Public TV about how the brain shrinks as a person gets older. Perhaps that's my problem.


gandjcarr wrote on 12/3/2012, 1:54 PM


Try using windows file manager or the Canon supplied file transfer software to copy the file from your SD card to your computer hard drive, then try to bring it into MEP.  If you are trying to get it into MEP directly from the camera or SD card MEP may not recognize the device.
