How can I upload my website back to my computer again?

atlasnl wrote on 8/19/2013, 7:32 AM

I lost my website on my computer and want to retrieve it by uploading the webiste back from the internet on my computer. How can I do this? The pages need to be retrieved in the original format so I can make some changes. I hope someone will give me the answer. (The answer in Dutch is also fine). I am using Web Designer 7 premium of Magix.


gandjcarr wrote on 8/19/2013, 1:05 PM


If you lost the project file, I probably won't matter much if you have the files or not other than you could probably use them to recreate the site in a new project file.

Before you worry about this, go to "File"  then "Open Recent" at the bottom you will see "backups" click that and you should get a list of backup files.  Click on the most recent and see if you get the project file back.

If not let me know.
