How can I have several clips (videos) all in cross-fades on a single frame?

nirvanray wrote on 7/17/2012, 9:18 AM

Hello friends,
I am sorry to repeat the same question about cross-fade. Though I got an answer immediately from a community friend, actually I want a different effect and impact. I want the crosst-fade to stay so that it looks 2 or 3 images in one frame simultaneously. For some reference I have also pasted a link below. Please do help me.


cpc000cpc wrote on 7/17/2012, 10:34 AM


The effect shown in your sample can be achieved by having your two clips on different tracks one above the other. Then reduce the video level of the  lower (higher number track) one by dragging down the little diamond shaped icon in the middle top of the object. Alternately there is a 'Video level' option at the bottom of the 'Effects' >> 'Video effects' >> 'Chrome key' window.

