
gandjcarr wrote on 8/26/2013, 11:43 AM


Use size and position (mostly position) and set your key frames to move with the scrolling text.  If you don't understand how to use key frames, let me know.


cpc000cpc wrote on 8/26/2013, 8:18 PM

This may help your implementing Georges suggestion:

The movement of your title is controlled by the same key frame animation as you need for you image so it should be possible to transfer them from title to image.

  • Select the title object and go to ' Effects' >> 'Video effects' >> 'Size/Position' where you will see the key frames for the title.
  • Click on the little down arrow to the right of the 'Image size/position' entry and choose 'Copy effects curve'.
  • Now select your image and use 'Insert effects curve'. You may need to move your image a bit to create an image size/position entry on the key frame table.

I've only just quickly tested this scheme. My image does move parallel to the title, but I'd need to make manual adjustments to at least the size of your image. Also some title presets don't seem to show the key frames while other do -- hence I say 'may' help.

An alternate approach: Add text to your image using a photo editor and then import and animate. The credits and image will move together because they are now one and the same object.

