How can I connect one vst synth 2 another an feed the pattern into it?

Rayz-R wrote on 4/4/2021, 7:36 AM

I have the Chord Potion plugin which makes patterns arps etc but it only has one sound so unless you paste the midi to a midi line and change the soft synth you can't hear any other sounds. I just want to be able to get its patterns controlling another vst soft synth so it will play that synths sounds , (they are both soft synths (not effects). p.s its for Acid pro 8. Thankyou in advance.


shkr wrote on 4/4/2021, 8:11 AM

what you need are 2 midi tracks:
output from the midi track 1 goes to chord potion
input for the midi track 2 comes from chord potion and output goes to vsti of your choice.

you write notes in midi track 1. you can record midi notes from chord potion on midi track 2.

using midi vsts in Acid can by tricky, so save often ;) I don't rememeber whether Acid8 supports midi vsts, Acid10 does.