How can I batch edit video frames?

Tadek wrote on 4/4/2008, 10:39 AM
Converting video 1 to BMP frames then using paint to edit out background and save BMP frame with transparent background the reconvert back to an AVI file. Using Magix edit pro, I want to blend this new video to video 2 with it serving as a background. The problem is video 1 decompiled to BMP frames has over 2000 BMP frames to edit. Are there any magix products or add-ins that can do batch photo editing using tools like the magic wand and eraser in paint?


ralftaro wrote on 4/7/2008, 10:56 AM
I don't think Magix is offering any tools that could assist you in this very specific workflow. As far as bitmap/raster graphics software is concerned, it's mostly just the Xtreme Photo Designer:

And while it probably has a few more tricks up its sleeves than MS Paint and does support some batch operations, you won't be able to just apply complex manual changes to a big number of differing frames.
Granny wrote on 4/24/2008, 3:32 PM
Hi Tadek,

You might consider just editing out the background of one frame and using it in your video production. My understanding of batching editing is that for the most part is should be consistent, meaning in order to batch edit, there should be no changes in the photo... but I think this is not the case in what you are doing. 2000bmp suggests that there would be gradual changes along the way, and that would affect the batch edit.

Hope this helps.
