Hitfilm movie essentials problem

Dongchan-Lee wrote on 5/9/2020, 1:16 AM

Hi ,
I had purchased hitfilm movie essentials software with humble software bundle for vegas pro(15) in 2018.
At that time, I installed this package on my windows10.
And now, I am trying to re-install HitFilm Movie Essential Packs on windows10 due to initialize windows10. ( I changed computer name.)
But, it recursively repeats Deactivate ->- Activate-> Restart now - Deactivate -> Activate -> ...

( ID / Password are working correctly)

Please help me, how can I resolve this problem.
( Other softwares in the bundle package are installed with no problem. Only HitFilme software is coming with above problem




ericlnz wrote on 5/9/2020, 2:52 AM

Vegas products have their own forum. Please refer to the Important Posts at the top of this forum page for direction to the Vegas forum.