Hi! I'm a new beginner in video editing. When I start importing videofiles to magicx, a question pops up asking me if I want to adjust resolution on the video or monitor. Cannot find anything in the help-menu. What am I supposed to do? Anyone?
I'm a new beginner in video editing. When I start importing videofiles to magicx, a question pops up asking me if I want to adjust resolution on the video or monitor. Cannot find anything in the help-menu. What am I supposed to do? Anyone?
. . . . a question pops up asking me if I want to adjust resolution on the video or monitor. . . . .
What this means is that the video size, aspect ratio or the framerate is not the same as the setting for the project.
Normally you would set the project resolution aspect ratio and frame rate to be the same as the source video, or the TV standard in your area, it depends on what your final aim is for displaying the video, from the dropdown shown below which appears when you start a new project or press the E key
When you add a video clip to the timeline which is not the same as the project settings the message you are getting will appear - clicking Donot adjust adds the video and tries to make it fit the project settings.
However under certain circumstances the video will not fit the screen eg if the project is set to 16:9 aspect ratio (AR) and the video you are adding is 4:3 AR then the video will be 'pillar boxed' ie it will be made full height and centred on the screen with a black bar on each side.
Similarly if you add a 16:9 AR video to a 4:3 AR the video will be full width and have black bars top and bottom ie 'letter boxed'.
The message will also appear if the framerates are different.
If the framerates are different the message will also appear.
Warning: if you click adjust then the whole project may be affected and not give what you want.
In this case, they have the same resolution 1920x1080 (16:9), but the active movie is said to be 25.00 fps, and my import is 29.97 fps. How wuld I know when this is the first import to my project? Every import I am planning to do is filmed with the same camera. Shoul I, or is it possible to change the settings on the thing called 'active movie'?
So eager to start, and, of course, everything stops at the first import....
I've checked the tutorial, which was really good, and also others on youtube. You've right, the more i find of possibilities, I realize how little I know.
I'm based in norway, by the way..
Anyway, I still haven't gott a specific answer to my question, shall I adjust,? yes or no. But I think I understood that I may lower the quality of the result by adjusting. So until I get different news about this, I will not adjust. The reason I asked was that I was afraid to damage the project somehow with different resolutions not fitting together.
I really llike this community page. It's fantastic to get feedback so quickly by people with knowledge and interest.
Norway, so PAL, 25fps. You should adjust your camera to the same. Check the camera manual.
In MEP, start your project in PAL, 25fps, if this is the format that you want your output to be. Also determine whether or not you are importing/exporting High Definition (HD) or not. Most video cameras and new cell phones use high definition. Since you already have some video at 29.97fps, when imported, select no, do not adjust. This will keep your project at 25fps. You likely will not notice the difference.
When you come to export or burn, do so at 25fps for PAL. If burning, the DVD or BD will be done correctly for your region.
Thanks to all of yoiu. I have a much better understanding of what settings I'm doing with this adjustiment. Anyway, I've started the project all over again and will stick to 25. Thanx again!