Help to repair old photos

Selim wrote on 8/31/2010, 1:25 AM

I have some old B/W photos which I would like to bring back to life. They have the expected marks and creases in them which I would like to remove but mostly it's the extreme pixelation? that I would like to get rid of. I also have a couple where I would like to remove some people just leaving the person of interest and maybe removing an object which is in front of part of someone. Also a couple of photos which were taken at night where the contrast between the hair and the darkness is almost non existent.


I understand that I am asking many things but as I am totally new at this I could use as much help as possible, if you can answer even part of the request I would be grateful.


The programs I am using are Xara Designer pro 6 which includes Magix Photo Designer 7 and running windows 7



nihon94 wrote on 8/31/2010, 2:25 AM



What you are trying to do is, I used to do that in Adobe Photoshop though I do not use products you have mentioned I would like to give an advice, in the meantime until someone answer you it is better if you could check some answer already posted here. Look at the right side here, you you will see "Similar knowledge" click on Questions & Answers you could find some answers you are looking for such as this one


Wish you goodluck.


Thank you
