HELP! Stretching a Photo No Longer Avail?

Shmuel-Goldstein wrote on 10/7/2021, 12:15 PM

Using XARA Designer Pro X 18. How can I stretch a photo without scaling. It was simple in the earlier versions but doesn't seem possibly any longer. The handles have changed and even when unselecting the lock aspect button, it still scales the image and crops it. I don't want to use the "content aware" button, as this changes the dimension of some of the portions.


Former user wrote on 10/19/2021, 2:44 AM

If you right click on the “aspect ratio” lock, you’ll see a small menu. On which, you’ll see the item "smart transform". Deselect that.

Also, to distort the aspect ratio, make sure that the “Show Rotation Handles” is enabled.

Shmuel-Goldstein wrote on 10/21/2021, 4:15 PM

If you right click on the “aspect ratio” lock, you’ll see a small menu. On which, you’ll see the item "smart transform". Deselect that.

Also, to distort the aspect ratio, make sure that the “Show Rotation Handles” is enabled.

Thank for this. It did help... somewhat. At first it didn't work and then suddenly it did, even with the same settings. It seems like the program is still buggy and inconsistent.