Help please i am new to magix

rhigh wrote on 10/17/2012, 11:52 AM

I am currently trialing video pro x4 ( I am a longstanding Vegas Pro user). I expect to purchase MAGIX Movie Edit Pro 2013 Premium at the £99 offer. Is this the replacement/ upgrade to x4 or am I trialing a quite diferent product? Is there anywhere a comparison chart? If so link please.


So far quite impressed with x4. My concern is that I might be disappointed with MAGIX Movie Edit Pro 2013 Premium if it is not up to x4.


As a vegas user , I am used to transparency being top down, not bottom up. Is there any way of changing it?


I have tried importing midi clips from Sonar X1 with no luck can anyone help with the exact form of midi file required.(I have setup loopback to Kontakt 4). X4 does not even see them in the import screen. They are  *.mid files but I know that there are different forms of midi.


Help please !!  Thanks in advance.


gandjcarr wrote on 10/17/2012, 2:16 PM


If you are concerned you should probably also run a trial on Movie Edit Pro 2013 to see what the differences are.  To me the biggest difference between MEP and Video ProX is the license to use the effects, titles and many other features for commercial (professional) use.  There may be a few features in ProX that MEP does not have but honestly when I did the trial, I could not see much difference.

I have used Vegas, Adobe, Corel and many others in the past and find MEP to be the most stable of any of the ones I have used.

As for the Vegas work flow of top down versus bottom up, to me the Vegas work flow makes no sense.  When I want to mix in a video or transparency, I want to add it to my main video which is on a higher track (usually track 1 unless I am using multi-cam).  From a work flow perspective that makes a lot more sense to me rather than having to move everything down so I can insert something in a higher level track.

I edit video for a living and have edited video both amateur and professional for almost 30 years (I started with Linear Editing with Analog Tape) and moved to NLE as soon as the software became available, affordable and reliable.

Good Luck


rhigh wrote on 10/24/2012, 3:51 AM

Thanks for your reply. I found the MEP trial and had both running on my m/c for a week or so. Eventually, I decided to go for x4.The 3 reasons are:-

1) the source monitor implementation

2) Better (but NOT the best in the world) multicam

3) MMC implementation (I did not expect this to survive moving from Vegas) it links nicely to Sonar x1

The better video effects offered in the MEP birthday offer was not important to me as I already have Newblue effects and have impemented them in X4. They are slower and more choppy than Vegas 11 but useable on my 3.4 quad with nvidia 570 but may need to preview render more.

Finding x4 on Amazon at £227 was the clincher might not have stretched the the Magix online price.

Although Vegas is more feature rich, stability is the over-riding issue.  In general, Vegas feels dated and  too busy compared with x4 (or MEP).

I do not claim pro status because I do not earn my living from video, but it is more or less, self financing. I had been with Vegas since v2 and the Sonic Foundry days but I think it is time to move on. 

Is x4 stable? -- only time will tell