Help! My slideshow is flickering!

randrand wrote on 4/25/2009, 3:15 PM
I am new to the software, but am puzzled about what I am doing wrong.   I am building a slideshow and doing simple fade in/fade out between pictures.   for some of these pictures, just after they fade in there is a flicker, where the picture disappears and then reappears in (i'm guessing) 1/10th of a second.   it is noticeable and annoying, but it doesn't happen on every transition.   Any thoughts about what I'm doing wrong?

thanks for your help!



siglersmalz wrote on 4/27/2009, 12:20 AM

I'm sorry, but I've never worked with Photostory directly, but many of the Magix programs are pretty much the same, so I'll share what I can.

In Movie Edit Pro, I've done many slide show projects and it's pretty common for there to be one black (empty) frame between photos.  I've never figured out why, but it happens.  When I see that flicker, I change my zoom to every frame (maximum zoom) and I'll almost always see a blank frame in there.

Sometimes, I'll see that only half a frame is used, too, so I'll cut that last half off, but this is usually with movie segments rather than photos.

Hope this is helpful,
