Having a problem with previewing MIDI LOOPS

Jeffrey-Jones wrote on 7/14/2018, 8:57 PM

I'm using the latest version of Magix Music Maker. I seem to remember years back being able to preview MIDI loops just like audio loops. Just click on them. Now, when I click on them, I see Magix playing and looping it, but I hear nothing. It's been at least a year or two, and three computers, since I was able to preview a MIDI loop.

I can load them into an arrangement fine, but no preview sound. I have no problem hearing my MIDI keyboard when playing it. No problem playing any midi file that loaded into a track. No problem recording MIDI. Recording MIDI works just as it should. The only problem is previewing loops in my library -- and I just purchased 1200 chords and progressions. Anyone have a fix for this?


Jeffrey-Jones wrote on 7/15/2018, 1:11 AM

Fixed it. I noticed that the peak meters were also showing something was being played. I changed the driver to wave driver in program settings. I'm back in business, like yesteryear. I'll go back to using the low latency driver when I'm recording MIDI -- if I have to.

Americo-Lara wrote on 8/9/2018, 3:25 AM

cool that worked for me too, thanks!