How to create a custom Soundpool for Music Maker 2018
You can copy the basic structure from the "Music Match - Feel Good" pool that comes stock with the software.
You MUST locate this structure in "C:\Users\Public\Documents\MAGIX\Common\Soundpools". (In Windows 10 on my machine at least.)
Duplicate the structure, delete all the .MXOGG files in the subfolders.
Leave the BPM.inf alone. The BPM.inf file should be the same as the BPM.inf file in current pools. You can change the BPM and Scale to match your music choice for the pool.
Create two new cover files (cover_128x128.png & cover_600x600.png).
If present, remove the "_msi_keyfile_..." files as they are put there by Microsoft's installer and not relevant.
Soundpool File Structure:
[Custom Pool] (This folder is your custom Soundpool name)
|--- [Bass]
|--- [Brass]
|--- [Drums]
|--- [Fx]
|--- [Keys]
|--- [Percussion]
|--- [Sequence]
|--- [Strings]
|--- [Synth]
|--- [Vocals]
|--- BPM.inf
|--- cover_128x128.png
|--- cover_600x600.png
With this basic structure and at least one .MXOGG (Music Maker OGG file) or .TAK (Music Maker Take file) file in one Instrument directory. The Soundpool can be added to Music Maker from the "Loops" page through the "Cog".
You can create "Takes" with pretty much any object in Music Maker. I am using my own composed MIDI files. Any of the properties, fades, volume, etc. will be saved with the object as a "Take".
In this way, you can continue to create additional "Take" files and save them into your Soundpool. You will have to Rescan Soundpools... in the configuration menu (Double Cogs on the menu bar) to update the Soundpool. This will only work IF you put the Soundpool directory in the path shown above.