Goya BurnR, some options like Finalise disc are greyed out peterkbartholomew wrote on 11/4/2021, 12:15 PM In Music Maker when I choose to burn a disc to CD Goya burnR has some options including Verify and also Finalise disc greyed out and I cannot select them, does anyone know why? I can burn the disc and select the burn speed ok. Back to post
Comments SP. wrote on 11/8/2021, 7:04 AM @peterkbartholomew What kind of dics are you trying to burn? CD-R or CD-RW? Maybe the program doesn't work well with your CD burner. Here are updated burning routines from Magix. Try them to see if it helps. Windows 8: https://my.hidrive.com/lnk/ZAAKGiEG Windows 10: https://my.hidrive.com/lnk/jHAqmebc peterkbartholomew wrote on 11/8/2021, 7:20 AM They are CD-R discs,I will try the other routines thank you. 1