Google once again, but...

Acquin wrote on 8/25/2008, 8:08 AM
My new website ( is found by Google, but :

- the link (in blue) is "My website" ("mon site web" in French) though i specified "Remi Acquin" or "The website of Remi Acquin" when parametering with Magix... That sounds a bit stupid !

- there is no description under the link, like "the site of Remi Acquin". So nobody can know what the website is about !

- less important : the search gives no result with the keywords I selected with Magix.

Could s.o. help me to improve that ?

Thanks !


Lazerboy wrote on 8/25/2008, 10:22 AM

yes, you can change description and keywords under "options" in the Website Maker Menu. On HTML sites there is shown automatic a part of the text from your site. This is not the case at flash, but under "options" you can put a site description that is shown under the google line, you can add keywords (that might work depending on the changing algorithm from Google!) and you can change "my website" to what ever you want.

Hope you found it as I do not know what is "options" called in the french version....
Lazerboy wrote on 8/26/2008, 5:06 AM

If you change these options (parameter) it can take time until the google crawler show the changes.....according to my experience up to 6 weeks.....