Google does not display the name of my Web site.

janthonye wrote on 9/10/2010, 12:03 PM

When the name of my site (Tony Eich Photography) is typed into Google the list of Web sites Google then displays shows, not the name of my site, but rather only the words "check out his site." My address is correct, and so clicking on "check out his site" will bring the person to Tony Eich Photography, but the title which appears should be "Tony Eich Photography," not the words "check out his site."


What is wrong, and how can I change this to make it display correctly?





LogoLogics wrote on 9/11/2010, 7:28 AM

Hello Tony,



If you get a closer look at te link, you will see the note " in cache".

This means the webpage link is older ( in memory ( cache ) of Google.


This page was probably ones displayed with the comment: " check out this site" and therefore Google dispays it this way.

If this link has been clicked on a lot it will acur in Googles search engine.


You will also see under this link, the cache of this topic, thats the way Google works.


I hope this answers your question?


