Good bye Magix Acid Pro 10

Humberto-Lopez wrote on 11/29/2021, 12:05 PM

I have been using Acid pro for over 10 years. It has been problem after problem for over 10 years. Crash after crash. I have finally had enough. I'm tired of being loyal and getting nothing in return. I'm moving on to Cubase. I highly suggest you all move on as well. Dont waste 10 years like I did. All my friends have other DAWs and they never have issues like acid does. Good bye Magix!!!!!!!!


yuza-i wrote on 11/29/2021, 4:57 PM

Wow. I just made an account to ask some support questions, but it's a ***** over here with all the people seeming to leave Acid Pro. You can't really disagree.

I share the sentiments that you've stated, but I'm still hopeful for it to change.

I was extremely skeptical after hearing the Magix takeover to say the least. However, considering the lack of updates after 7 I was very happy to expect the possibility of a "modern" Acid Pro.

A couple of years down the road now and we have minimal improvements. I'll definitely take them though and very happy to see them coming slowly but surely.

Unfortunately the bizzare stability issues encountered in Acid Pro are borderline embarrasing. Even the free DAW options out there don't have these issues. So how can Magix even ask money for Acid Pro when every "stable" release feel like a beta?

Former user wrote on 11/29/2021, 5:19 PM

Sad but everything stated here is true. This COULD be a great DAW but....... I have it on a couple of my computers but with all it's issues I rarely use it any more. I do hope one day magix will pull it together and supply us with a stable working DAW. Cheers

yuza-i wrote on 11/29/2021, 5:35 PM

Sad but everything stated here is true. This COULD be a great DAW but....... I have it on a couple of my computers but with all it's issues I rarely use it any more. I do hope one day magix will pull it together and supply us with a stable working DAW. Cheers

i hope so too 😰

Humberto-Lopez wrote on 11/29/2021, 6:03 PM

Yes that's exactly what I have gone through! I was very hopeful when Magix released Acid pro 8. But that was short lived after the freezing, crashing, start up issues, issues with opening projects, problems with rendering, issues with loading plugins, and so on. It destroyed my work flow and motivation. But, yes it's a great DAW , when it's actually 'working'. My friends that use different DAWs never experience these type of issues, Even with projects that demand more processing than my own. I have friends that use old outdated computers and still dont have these issues using other DAWs. After all the 'updates' and even moving on to Acid pro 9, and then Acid pro 10, the problems are still there! It's just so frustrating that I have continued to stay loyal to Acid Pro for so long and there has been 0 progress with these issues. They just move on to other things they can make money on. There is no money in fixing things, but there is in selling you a 'new version '.

yuza-i wrote on 11/29/2021, 8:10 PM

Yes that's exactly what I have gone through! I was very hopeful when Magix released Acid pro 8. But that was short lived after the freezing, crashing, start up issues, issues with opening projects, problems with rendering, issues with loading plugins, and so on. It destroyed my work flow and motivation. But, yes it's a great DAW , when it's actually 'working'. My friends that use different DAWs never experience these type of issues, Even with projects that demand more processing than my own. I have friends that use old outdated computers and still dont have these issues using other DAWs. After all the 'updates' and even moving on to Acid pro 9, and then Acid pro 10, the problems are still there! It's just so frustrating that I have continued to stay loyal to Acid Pro for so long and there has been 0 progress with these issues. They just move on to other things they can make money on. There is no money in fixing things, but there is in selling you a 'new version '.

i cant say that i can disagree with anything you've said, you're spot on.

maybe since the updates just seem to make the bugs worse, it could indicate something deeper? if you check the general settings for example, you see that "windows xp theme" is still listed.

do you know reaper? it seems to have similarities with vegas pro, so if they could figure out a 2021 version of a "vegas pro" why can't magix do it for acid. fingers crossed.

the freezing, instability issues, crashing, etc - its really getting out of hand though. yet at the same theres more bloatware (even as plugins) and nag screens with each update. its crazy to say but in essence we're paying for a paid beta version at the moment.

to make it even nicer - i just posted a new post with all the bugs/questions i had (it was a super long post) and it just disappeared!? great. 😓

Humberto-Lopez wrote on 11/29/2021, 9:10 PM

Ya that's interesting about reaper and Vegas pro. I know people have been venting and complaining to Magix for some time now and it hasn't made a difference. Im sure this post will disappear soon as well. Thanks for your comments and feedback, it's been a pleasure chatting

Grazie wrote on 12/2/2021, 7:48 AM

Really?! I was just about to purchase AP10 on the 60% discount! Well, what’s your thoughts?

Humberto-Lopez wrote on 12/2/2021, 9:37 AM

Dont do it!!! I switched to Cubase Artist 11 and it has been awesome! No issues whatsoever. And it is way more powerful than Acid Pro 10. It has so many built in features that Acid would need a plugin to accomplish. This means you can use less plugins per track and still achieve what you want. The file scanning is so Acurate in cubase, track key and tempo of samples are extremely accurate. No need to use a beat mapper like in acid. My work flow has increased speed with the many automatic/ time saving features! I highly recommend Cubase artist 11.its seriously comparable to Protools. It's on sale now for $211. Acid pro 10 costs $200. That's ridiculous for such an unstable DAW.

PATIENT-X wrote on 5/11/2022, 11:32 AM

@Grazie @Humberto-Lopez @Former user @yuza-i

Hello gentlemen

Please leave your feedback here to Magix.


Forum Moderator

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Geforce RTX2080 Founders edition

Firecuda 530 1tb SSD Nvme


Corsair RM1000x 80 PLUS Gold Fully Modular ATX 1000 Watt Power Supply

5in LCD Screen

Lian Li UNI SL120 V2 triple fans

MSI Meg Unify Z690 motherboard



Humberto-Lopez wrote on 5/12/2022, 9:30 AM

Whats up everyone, So I switched to Cubase after using Acid pro 7,8,9,and 10 for many years. It was extremely stressful, discouraging, and frustrating dealing with all the issues mentioned in the comments. It is such a relief and great feeling to be using a DAW that has just about ZERO issues (Cubase). My work flow is like 10X faster and NO stress! Plus a ton of cool features.......BUT, the thing I loved about Acid pro is that it is super easy to use. Even if i didn't know how to do something, it wasn't too difficult to figure out. Although, there is definitely a lack of tutorials that would be extremely helpful. I even considered making YouTube videos since there are virtually none.


*Crashing at startup/random crashing. *Plugin settings reset when adding a plugin to chain.

IMPROVEMENTS: *More colors for tracks. *Track key detection. (Must be accurate) I currently use a vst called 'Mixed in key' for this. *The ability to copy and paste a VST from one track to another, WITH SETTINGS. *Faster/improved VST scanning

I would never switch back to Acid Pro unless it is finally proven that the bugs are fixed! Which would probably be years from now 😔

Former user wrote on 6/13/2022, 11:32 AM

Dont do it!!! I switched to Cubase Artist 11 and it has been awesome! No issues whatsoever. And it is way more powerful than Acid Pro 10. It has so many built in features that Acid would need a plugin to accomplish. This means you can use less plugins per track and still achieve what you want. The file scanning is so Acurate in cubase, track key and tempo of samples are extremely accurate. No need to use a beat mapper like in acid. My work flow has increased speed with the many automatic/ time saving features! I highly recommend Cubase artist 11.its seriously comparable to Protools. It's on sale now for $211. Acid pro 10 costs $200. That's ridiculous for such an unstable DAW.

I think Cakewalk is a cheaper step-up than Cubase, though you do have to factor in the synths and plug-ins Cubase has that Cakewalk doesn't. Those are relatively cheap to replace, though.

MAGIX should have crossgrade pricing to Samplitude Pro X from ACID Pro, but that would make too much sense. Can't have that...

The Cubase comparison to Pro Tools is appropriate, but most who use ACID would never have gotten it if they were looking for anything like Pro Tools.

I actually think most people on ACID may actually be better off going to Ableton, Bitwig, Maschine or MPC.

blake-fast wrote on 6/15/2022, 4:13 AM

patient -x or stephen what exactly would be the point leaving feed back there ? they asked for feedback which was somewhat disingenuous because within days and without incorporating any of the feedback into the program they released a new version which has all the failings of the previous version we all know that we can see it with our own eyes why cannot you ?

PATIENT-X wrote on 6/15/2022, 11:00 AM



It seems Magix will release a patch soon.

I am a user same as you and I have stayed with Acid Pro 7.


Forum Moderator


Last changed by PATIENT-X on 6/15/2022, 3:06 PM, changed a total of 1 times.

Pc self build by me.

Azza Pyramid 804 case

Intel Core i5-13600K Processor 3.5GHz

Kingston FURY Beast 32GB (16GB x 2) 4800MHz DDR5

Geforce RTX2080 Founders edition

Firecuda 530 1tb SSD Nvme


Corsair RM1000x 80 PLUS Gold Fully Modular ATX 1000 Watt Power Supply

5in LCD Screen

Lian Li UNI SL120 V2 triple fans

MSI Meg Unify Z690 motherboard



GRB wrote on 10/6/2023, 12:23 PM

Whats up everyone, So I switched to Cubase after using Acid pro 7,8,9,and 10 for many years. It was extremely stressful, discouraging, and frustrating dealing with all the issues mentioned in the comments. It is such a relief and great feeling to be using a DAW that has just about ZERO issues (Cubase). My work flow is like 10X faster and NO stress! Plus a ton of cool features.......BUT, the thing I loved about Acid pro is that it is super easy to use. Even if i didn't know how to do something, it wasn't too difficult to figure out. Although, there is definitely a lack of tutorials that would be extremely helpful. I even considered making YouTube videos since there are virtually none.


*Crashing at startup/random crashing. *Plugin settings reset when adding a plugin to chain.

IMPROVEMENTS: *More colors for tracks. *Track key detection. (Must be accurate) I currently use a vst called 'Mixed in key' for this. *The ability to copy and paste a VST from one track to another, WITH SETTINGS. *Faster/improved VST scanning

I would never switch back to Acid Pro unless it is finally proven that the bugs are fixed! Which would probably be years from now 😔

I'm glad you like Cubase, it gets such good reviews and is appealing at glance, I must admit. I had huge issues with Cubase over the years though... too many support tickets, installation issues, activation issues, no audio issues, etc... going back to version 8-12 I believe. I kept giving it another chance, even have recently, and even though they "finally" fixed the activation nightmares they have been suffering from for too many years, its still not anywhere as easy to just open up and get going with, like some other daws, Acid Pro one of them.

Cheers and may the Music Season be 24/7/365 !

Magix Installed & Loved: ACID Pro 11 / Samplitude Music Studio X8 / Music Maker 2025 Premium / Sound Forge Audio Studio 17 / SF Audio Cleaning Lab 4....

--- Current System: HP Laptop, 64bit, AMD Ryzen 5 7520U with Radeon Graphics, 16gb ram, 256gb SSD, running Win 11 Home and a Seagate 4TB external drive.

Steve_GothAngel_ wrote on 10/7/2023, 8:48 AM

Come on guys, let's be serious... Cubase and Acid are not even remotely comparable...

ACID has its flavour with loops, yet Cubase is by far too superior in every aspect and every field of professional music making. It has had continuous serious development for decades and it has come to feature a world of tools, for any thinkable professional task. No match here.


GRB wrote on 10/7/2023, 10:00 AM

Come on guys, let's be serious... Cubase and Acid are not even remotely comparable...

ACID has its flavour with loops, yet Cubase is by far too superior in every aspect and every field of professional music making. It has had continuous serious development for decades and it has come to feature a world of tools, for any thinkable professional task. No match here.


I agree with that Steve.

Most Daws are in a specific style group of Daws.... Some in their own category unlike any others (Reason comes to mind). Cubase and Acid are two completely different styles of Daws imo, and trials. Acid is more in the Ableton, Bitwig group, a focus on loop creation.

With that said, Nothing wrong with a good combo like above user likes, Cubase along with Acid. Cubase for production for more common mix/master, Acid for idea creations and easy experimenting without lots of other things in the way. .

Cheers and may the Music Season be 24/7/365 !

Magix Installed & Loved: ACID Pro 11 / Samplitude Music Studio X8 / Music Maker 2025 Premium / Sound Forge Audio Studio 17 / SF Audio Cleaning Lab 4....

--- Current System: HP Laptop, 64bit, AMD Ryzen 5 7520U with Radeon Graphics, 16gb ram, 256gb SSD, running Win 11 Home and a Seagate 4TB external drive.

GRB wrote on 11/20/2023, 11:04 AM

Whats up everyone, So I switched to Cubase after using Acid pro 7,8,9,and 10 for many years. It was extremely stressful, discouraging, and frustrating dealing with all the issues mentioned in the comments. It is such a relief and great feeling to be using a DAW that has just about ZERO issues (Cubase). My work flow is like 10X faster and NO stress! Plus a ton of cool features.......BUT, the thing I loved about Acid pro is that it is super easy to use. Even if i didn't know how to do something, it wasn't too difficult to figure out. Although, there is definitely a lack of tutorials that would be extremely helpful. I even considered making YouTube videos since there are virtually none.


*Crashing at startup/random crashing. *Plugin settings reset when adding a plugin to chain.

IMPROVEMENTS: *More colors for tracks. *Track key detection. (Must be accurate) I currently use a vst called 'Mixed in key' for this. *The ability to copy and paste a VST from one track to another, WITH SETTINGS. *Faster/improved VST scanning

I would never switch back to Acid Pro unless it is finally proven that the bugs are fixed! Which would probably be years from now 😔

Wanted to chime in here again....

So I remembered this posting topic and wanted to update that with the release of Cubase 13, I took another look at Cubase (now with the much easier activation system, finally), and was impressed with the new v13!

I updated my "Elements" versions for very little money since it has so many newer features that I'll get to know... and if things go well, I'll upgrade my "Artist 8.5" version when on sale at some point for even more functions and features from v13!

I plan on still using MM24 and AP11 for loops and ideas, then add to Cubase for further studio/daw mixing/mastering. Could be a great combo!

*ps, I considered using Samplitude Music Studio or upgrading my older Samplitude Pro X3, but not a whole lot has changed (yet?) and it was way more "investment".... So for under $30, I'll try the Cubase 13 option for post production work of the ideas started with Magix programs :) Hopefully you are enjoying your Cubase @Humberto-Lopez

Cheers and may the Music Season be 24/7/365 !

Magix Installed & Loved: ACID Pro 11 / Samplitude Music Studio X8 / Music Maker 2025 Premium / Sound Forge Audio Studio 17 / SF Audio Cleaning Lab 4....

--- Current System: HP Laptop, 64bit, AMD Ryzen 5 7520U with Radeon Graphics, 16gb ram, 256gb SSD, running Win 11 Home and a Seagate 4TB external drive.

Former user wrote on 12/5/2023, 12:32 AM


Whats up everyone, So I switched to Cubase after using Acid pro 7,8,9,and 10 for many years. It was extremely stressful, discouraging, and frustrating dealing with all the issues mentioned in the comments. It is such a relief and great feeling to be using a DAW that has just about ZERO issues (Cubase). My work flow is like 10X faster and NO stress! Plus a ton of cool features.......BUT, the thing I loved about Acid pro is that it is super easy to use. Even if i didn't know how to do something, it wasn't too difficult to figure out. Although, there is definitely a lack of tutorials that would be extremely helpful. I even considered making YouTube videos since there are virtually none.


*Crashing at startup/random crashing. *Plugin settings reset when adding a plugin to chain.

IMPROVEMENTS: *More colors for tracks. *Track key detection. (Must be accurate) I currently use a vst called 'Mixed in key' for this. *The ability to copy and paste a VST from one track to another, WITH SETTINGS. *Faster/improved VST scanning

I would never switch back to Acid Pro unless it is finally proven that the bugs are fixed! Which would probably be years from now 😔

Wanted to chime in here again....

So I remembered this posting topic and wanted to update that with the release of Cubase 13, I took another look at Cubase (now with the much easier activation system, finally), and was impressed with the new v13!

I updated my "Elements" versions for very little money since it has so many newer features that I'll get to know... and if things go well, I'll upgrade my "Artist 8.5" version when on sale at some point for even more functions and features from v13!

I plan on still using MM24 and AP11 for loops and ideas, then add to Cubase for further studio/daw mixing/mastering. Could be a great combo!

*ps, I considered using Samplitude Music Studio or upgrading my older Samplitude Pro X3, but not a whole lot has changed (yet?) and it was way more "investment".... So for under $30, I'll try the Cubase 13 option for post production work of the ideas started with Magix programs :) Hopefully you are enjoying your Cubase @Humberto-Lopez

Samplitude (even Pro X3) can do everything ACID Pro does and then some, so I don't personally see a point in continuing to use MMM and/or AP if you have access to it. It does everything both of those does, and a lot more on top of it. I'd feel my time was better spent mastering that one solution, than jumping between them. If I use a different DAW, it's mostly just for a temporary reprieve from the "work" feeling, and generally only for smaller personal projects.

The jump to X8 from X3 would be worth the upgrade price, but I think I'd go to the Suite SKU and then sit on it for a few years before upgrading again. MAGIX is not an agile developer, so you can wait a while between upgrades and not really miss much. I have X7 Suite, but used X4 Suite as my main DAW before I crossgraded to Cubase. I still use Samplitude Pro X for Music Editing, but that's mostly just Audio Editing... and I do it mostly to maintain some level of proficiency with the software. Options are always good to have ;-)

That being said, Cubase Pro is next level to Samplitude Pro X Suite... but Samplitude Pro X3 is still going to have quite a few Workflow features that Cubase Artist 13 is missing.

The issue with AP is, as I've stated numerous times, that it doesn't offer anything of value other than being a cut down, niche-specific production solution. What it does well, even Pro Tools can do with ease (a DAW that never really tried to be a beat making powerhouse):

Over the years, DAWs have evolved to fill the niche that ACID Pro once lorded over, but ACID Pro never countered by expanding into other niches to become more general purpose and provide reason for people to choose it over those other solutions. This is something that contemporaries like FL Studio did not fail to take into account.

Right now, it is cheaper... but Elements/Artist SKUs of other DAWs have been beefed up in recent years (Cubase, Studio One, Bitwig) so there is a lack of value to persuade most people to pick ACID over those solutions - especially when they can move up the SKU ladder to beefier versions when their needs outgrow the SKU which they are using (Cubase AI/LE -> Elements -> Artist -> Pro -> Nuendo or Studio One Prime -> Artist -> Pro).

GRB wrote on 12/5/2023, 5:39 PM

Thanks once again for all of the info and time taken @Former user

Valid things to consider. I keep changing things up, looking for the right fit, but may be overlooking many benefits in programs in my not giving things enough time to get familiar past the initial phases.

Cheers and may the Music Season be 24/7/365 !

Magix Installed & Loved: ACID Pro 11 / Samplitude Music Studio X8 / Music Maker 2025 Premium / Sound Forge Audio Studio 17 / SF Audio Cleaning Lab 4....

--- Current System: HP Laptop, 64bit, AMD Ryzen 5 7520U with Radeon Graphics, 16gb ram, 256gb SSD, running Win 11 Home and a Seagate 4TB external drive.

Former user wrote on 12/6/2023, 9:27 PM

Thanks once again for all of the info and time taken @Former user

Valid things to consider. I keep changing things up, looking for the right fit, but may be overlooking many benefits in programs in my not giving things enough time to get familiar past the initial phases.

I think the trap is that people want everything, and don't realize that in order to maintain peak productivity and not waste inordinate amounts of time on a perpetual "learning curve treadmill" (due to trying to juggle too many DAWs) you have to make some concessions.

You cannot have your cake and eat it, too :-P No DAW is perfection - only "best of the rest, for you" - and another one will always have a few things that you wish the one you did have.

As long as that list is suitably countered by niceties that your DAW offers that the other cannot accommodate [as well], that is a balanced situation. You really shouldn't feel a need to move over (or make an additional purchase) unless some feature is going to be game changing for your workflow or productivity.

The only DAW on the market that makes a good case for an additional purchase when you already own and are comfortable and not limited by a different DAW is Reason because the Rack Plug-in allows it to function more like Komplete or V Collection than a separate DAW purchase :-P

The issue with ACID Pro is that that list is very unbalanced, not in its favor, when you compare it to scores of competing DAWs. Even MAGIX Music Maker is poised to leapfrog it, at this point.

The opportunity costs in using ACID Pro are simply too high, and that's why it's extremely hard to get new users onto the product, and more people are leaving now that it's been "revived" a while and they have exited the hope phase and realize that MAGIX will not be able (or doesn't want) to develop it quickly enough for it to be competitive before they retire.