
ralftaro wrote on 3/12/2008, 2:19 PM
Make sure to familiarize yourself with the details of how to configure your e-mail client, especially if you've never done this for another e-mail account. After you're positive that you have the hang of it and you still seem to be having problems with the settings you've chosen, there's one detail in the configuration for the e-mail account that you should pay attention to: Configure the SMTP/outbound server to use authentication. This is important. If you don't seem to get on, you might want to contact Magix technical support.
david_brack wrote on 3/14/2008, 5:31 AM
I am away from my home computer, so am working from memory, but had no problems setting this up at all.

You are right with one of your settings.

Your incoming mail needs to say
Your outgoing server should be your internet service provider. This will be the same as the email address that you have from them. For me, with my supplier as Karoo - it is, so that is the rough form

Once you have entered this information, send a test message FROM another account to your new email address, and send one TO another email address from your new one. You may find that one way of communication is working, the other not.

Further help is available on the "Help" pages on your Website Maker login page - it is item 13 in General Questions.