GARBAGE artsuperhero wrote on 10/18/2014, 3:44 AM I want a refund. This buggy pos program constantly crashes my comp, no detailed instructions on how to use the program other then some half-assed forum posts. Im going back to FL. Want my money back Back to post
Comments browj2 wrote on 10/18/2014, 7:26 AM Hi, I haven't had the same problems. Which version and what are your computer specs? Did you bother to read any of the manual? The Overview? Quickstart? Did you open a demo project? Did you look at the tutorials on the site? Half-assed forum posts? Thanks for the compliment. I don't think that the problem is the program. littlebadboy wrote on 10/19/2014, 8:43 AM I agree about the hassle. My musicmaker crashes from time to time too. But considering the cost compared to the top brands, I just have to be patient. 1