
rraud wrote on 12/16/2021, 3:00 PM

Hi @joseph-godina, assuming you are referring to the "Go to: Start / End", commands in Sound Forge Pro 15, build 159, the developers are aware and an update is pending. See this recent thread,.. others have discovered the issue as well.
If you absolutely positivity cannot live without those commands for a short time, you can uninstall build 159 and reinstall an earlier build. Installing an earlier build of the 32 bit SFP-15 is another option, The 64 and 32 bit versions coexist w/o issue on the same PC and can be of different builds... and FWIW, I cannot detect much, if any speed difference between the 64 and 32 bit versions, aside from a few 64 bit plug-ins are not compatible with 32 bit SFP and visa-versa for some 32 bit plugs on 64 bit SFP.

joseph-godina wrote on 12/16/2021, 3:29 PM

Thank you, I'll look forward to the fix

rraud wrote on 12/23/2021, 4:47 PM

Seasons greetings @joseph-godina, SFP-15 Build 161 has just be published. I can confirm the 'Go to' Start/End commands work again.

Build 161 release notes:
Transport toolbar and shortcuts
- Fix: The "Go to Start" and "Go to End"-buttons in the toolbar no longer worked
- Fix: The behavior of the "Pause"-button in the toolbar was unintentionally influence by "Spacebar and F12 Play/Pause instead of Play/Stop"

btw, the cumulative release notes for Sound Forge Pro 15 (including build 161) can be viewed and/or downloaded here.