Hi, I was wondering if anyone else is having the same problem with the new version of Movie Edit Pro Plus 2013?
I edited my movie and saved it to get the .MVP file then I came to render it and sent it up to You Tube like I have many times before with MEP MX 2012 but when I came to watch the video on You Tube the video froze minutes into the file.
I have had this happen twice now and have decided to use the programme to make the .MVP file and then use 2012 version to send it up to You Tube. This works fine, so Magix, will you be allowing me to get on with MEP 2013 after you fix it or shall I just revert back to MEP MX 2012 for the rest of the year?
I don't mind, but just let me know if I should consign MEP 2013 to the trash bin. Will an update be ready soon to fix this problems? Do you have the same problems?
Someone please let me know.
Thanks, Lisa Sargent.