Ditto what John Baker said, but l have rarely seen any organization explain the changes to their policy or future contracts. They just send the new version and it is up to the recipient to review and agree to the new version.
By the way, did you ever even read the previous version? I expect that most people didn't.
Ditto on what both John B, and John C.B. said. The email gives you the links to both the current and new policies so look at them and figure out what changed or at least read the new one and see if it contains something you can't live with. Magix gave you almost month to read it, they told you it was the privacy policy, so just read it and if it does not work for you, Magix also gave the following instructions:
Important notice:
If you agree with the changes, you don't need to do anything. If within 4 weeks of
receiving this email you do not contact us and disagree with this policy update we
will assume that you take no issue with it. If you do not wish to continue to use
MAGIX Online World due to these amendments please write to MAGIX Online Services GmbH, c/o MAGIX AG, Customer Care, Borsigstr. 24, 32312 Lübbecke, Germany. Alternatively you can send a fax to +49 5741 310 768.
What more do you want? Just read the thing and disagree if you don't like it. Do you think that Google goes to this much trouble? No you get a choice agree or disagree. If you disagree, then you are done with that service.
. . . Not very friendly, totally unhelpful. . . . .
Really! Every thing is there for you to read and understand the facts for yourself.
. . . . Bad marketing, poor treatment of customers - after all . . . .
Just the opposite - excellent customer relations - you have the opportunity to see the changes before they happen and object to them if you so desire and leave the Online World.
. . . Next time - use a little manners, please . . .
Then stop typing in capitals - it is considered as shouting and bad forum etiquette.
As Johnbaker metioned, I must say that I know of no software company who has gone to this length to make sure that all subscribers have the opportunity to object to a change in the privacy policy. Remember, this is a privacy policy change. Most companies just tell you that "we have changed our privacy policy" and basically it is "take it or leave it". As John said, this is actually the opposite of what you said. This is customer service above and beyond the industry standard. I don't always agree with Magix, but I need to tell you, that on this one they are bang on the money and should be congratulated on their openess and notification approach. As I said before, have you ever received a similar full disclosure message from Google, from Adobe, from Sun (Java), or anyone else? I have not, so the answer is no.
Stop whining and complaining, and recognize this a the great support that this company provides.
post-update - I offerthis example as a response to "no software company" ever points out chagnes - Apparently Dropbox didn't read your post. They just sent a lengthy email detailing the changes in their policies...how quaint.