Is this the effect you are trying to create? Click to play the short clip.
If this is what you are looking for, I hope you have Movie Edit Pro MX Premium. If you do, you will find the effect in the "effects" tab, under proDAD/ proDAD Vitascene. This effect can be found in the presets in the Mask sub folder. The one I used is "Soft White Border #295" To apply the effect you need to first select the clip that you want to use it on, then open Vitascene double click on the one you want, the close Vitascene. You will get a message telling you the movie has changed, confirm that and the effect will be applied to the entire clip.
When you open Movie Edit Pro, what does it say in the top left hand corner of your screen?
Mine says "Movie Edit Pro MX Premium Download Version" If your version does not have the word "Premium" in it, then Vitascene would not have been included in the version you purchased. You could download the trial here:,l-us.xhtml
It is fairly expensive $149
The video is on you tube. You should be able to see it at the link below
if this link does not work go to youtube and in the search box type gandjcarr and all my videos should come up