
john-auvil wrote on 4/21/2010, 11:42 AM

You are wanting to fade one track into the next?

This can be done by using the handles on each object... you might need to read on object handles in the manual to understand completely.

The way I do this is using track one for song one, then load song two on track two, but here I move the song in the track so the music from song one overlaps the music in song two.  I then move the play cursor to that location and do some playbacks so I can get the overlap lined up to compensate for the beat, once I have this where I want it, I use the right handle on song one, and position it to cover the overlap of song two, I do the opposite for song two, I take the left handle and cover the overlap.

Now, this is a cross-fade, it is not automated, you set this up and now you have song one fade into song two... you can keep going by bringing in song three... I do this by importing it at the end of song two but back on track one. I can keep this alternating track process for as long as I want. Once you have these set up, and you have listened and like what you hear on playback you can export that file as a single wave file to be burned with any software or use the Music Maker to burn the file for you.