Exporting photos to iphone 6

Claz wrote on 5/11/2019, 9:24 PM

Hi, I trying to export photos from my Magix Photo Manager Deluxe library TO my iPhone 6 for the first time. Every time I try this, it says my device doesn't support playlists, or just doesn't work at all. I have tried multiple export methods in the Photo Manager, and have tried JPEG and PNG formats. Any suggestions please?


emmrecs wrote on 5/12/2019, 7:34 AM

Hi, welcome to the Magix forums.

If I understand what you are attempting to do, it is not possible. I assume you wish to transfer your pictures to your iPhone, is that correct? If so, I'm sure you cannot do this using Photo Manager.

The "playlists" you mention are almost certainly the database files which PM produces. In and of itself the program does NOT contain ANY image files, merely a link to the location of those files on your computer.

You need to transfer the actual image files themselves in whatever format your iPhone can handle (.jpg and .png should be fine).



Win 11 Pro 64 bit, Intel i7 14700, 32 GB RAM, NVidia RTX 4060 and Intel UHD770 Graphics, Audient EVO 16 audio interface, VPX, MEP, Music Maker, Vegas Pro, PhotoStory Deluxe, Photo Manager Deluxe, Xara 3D Maker 7, Samplitude Pro X7 Suite, Reaper, Adobe Audition 3, CS6 and CC, 2 x Canon HG10 cameras, 1 x Canon EOS 600D, Akaso EK7000 Pro Action Cam