Export to Multiple MP3 Files

SheldonS wrote on 3/24/2019, 8:54 AM

I am fairly new to Sound Forge. My turntable from years ago came with version 9 but I recently upgraded my PC and Sound Forge Audio Studio to 13, and now I'm trying to digitize my vinyl collection.

The wizard, while nice does not always split the tracks in the right spot, but it does render to mp3 files. Watching tutorials they would just record as a new sound. I found this a bit easier as you can pause it and flip the record and continue. However the tutorials export out to an audio CD, I would like to just export them to my hard drive like when you rip a CD.

I'm sure it must be easy but I am just not finding it.


gdg63 wrote on 3/25/2019, 2:34 PM

You should be recording the whole side of the album as one file. Then you insert regions, one for each track, enter the names for the regions, extract the regions and then you can save as mp3 files.

SheldonS wrote on 3/25/2019, 7:42 PM

Thank you gdg63, I will give that a try.

jon-t wrote on 3/25/2020, 7:07 AM

You should be recording the whole side of the album as one file. Then you insert regions, one for each track, enter the names for the regions, extract the regions and then you can save as mp3 files.

How do you go about doing this gdg63?


I've just split an audio book MP3 file into individual chapters but sound forge will only extract the regions as WAV files, which means I have to save each chapter / region individually as an MP3