export to mp3 - track 6 is silent!

Javolenus wrote on 11/29/2008, 2:09 PM
I just got Music Studio 12. My first project I composed a short piece of music based on the program's synth midi files, which I edited. I started out with 4 tracks but added a fifth and then a sixth. Then I exported to mp3 format. But when I played the mp3 file, track 6 was missing - that is to say, it was silent.

I repeated the procedure several times, but each time I get the same result: although all the tracks play perfectly in the Music Studio program, when I export to mp3, track 6 is silent and cannot be heard.

I'd be really grateful for some help on this. Many thanks in advance for replies.

EDIT: Many thanks for the reply, Justin. I was looking how to reply to your questions but couldn't find a 'reply' button, so I'm editing my original post in the hope you see this!

Basically, I just wanted to say that I already tried the suggestions you made (exporting as wave, mixing down onto a single track) but the end result is the same: when I play the music in the Magix program, everything is fine, but when I export it, track 6 is silent. I even tried pasting Track 6 into a new track, but again, with the same result.

I have since begun other projects and have not encountered the 'silent track' problem, so I'm wondering if the problem is a one-off?

Anyway, thanks again for getting in touch. As I say, the problem only seems to be associated with this one project.


Hi Justin,

Thanks for the response. Yes, I think you're right. I'm very new to this software so it's quite possible I goofed somewhere without realising what I'd done. Happily my second project is working out fine. Thanks again for support and all the best.


Hi Justin,

I'll sure try to post something soon. Thanks again for your support!


NoTurning wrote on 12/1/2008, 8:22 AM

That's a tough one... have you tired adding another track and see what happens?

 You can mixdown all the tracks into a single track before you export; that might work better. Also try exporting to .wav and see if the problem persists. There may be ways to work around this but I'd like to eliminate the problem if possible.


NoTurning wrote on 12/1/2008, 7:35 PM

I got your response... It sounds like it might be a one-time fluke. I had a similar situation once and it ended up being an obscure setting in the mixer but it's never happened since. 

Let's hope it does not repeat itself.



NoTurning wrote on 12/2/2008, 8:17 AM
Make sure to post your music here so we can give it a listen.