Export questions for MFiT/Apple Digital Masters

Jeff-Reed wrote on 10/10/2021, 11:02 PM

I'm in the process of trying to get certified for Apple Digital Masters (ADM) and have a few export questions. Their codec uses no dither. To go along with that, I want to make sure I export from Sequoia appropriately. My device communications are set to 24 bit under audio setup. When I select "Advanced Track Export & Track Bouncing," I would plan to use 24 bit. I recall that the default setting for Sequoia 15 export was set to export 32 bit.

1) When I import a 48kHz 24 bit file into Sequoia, does it only do effect processing in 32 bit, or does the actual file get imported as 32 bit? The 32 bit export option has me questioning this.

2) Depending on the answer to question #1, if Sequoia does create a 32 bit file, for ADM, do folks export from Sequoia in 24 bit (i.e. since the file is potentially being reduced to 24 bit) and also apply dither from 32 to 24 bits?

3) Same question for files actually recorded into Sequioa- how do folks export files that were recorded into Sequoia in 32 bit float for ADM purposes?

Many thanks,





emmrecs wrote on 10/11/2021, 3:26 AM


Welcome to the Magix user to user forums.

Are you aware there is a dedicated forum for Sequoia users here? Since I suspect there are very few Sequoia users who visit or post in this forum here I suggest you register at and repost your question there.


Forum Moderator

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