export process/quality difference between export to computer vs export to internet

michaels wrote on 12/30/2015, 8:16 PM


Is there any quality difference between the following 'finish movie' modes:

(a) using export to computer to create a HD1080 file & then manually uploading to YouTube

(b) using export to internet to create a HD1080 file which is uploaded for you to YouTube

If the HD MPEG4 file export process is the same for both cases above, then I guess (a) should be more efficient (e.g. can specify external drive to save to). However if the MPEG4 file in (b) is optimised for YouTube preferred bitrate, then (b) is better to potentially avoid double-encoding (if the bitrate in (a) exceeds YouTube's requirement. Is there any difference in the MPEG4 file created in both cases?

Also in the case of (b) where is the MPEG4 file saved?




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