I've been exporting a number of 5 to 15 minute shows to MP4 in the past several days. Generally has been taking about a minute of mixing per minute of show time. Pretty sure I've been selecting whatever maximum resolution was. PC has plenty of power.
Today, I updated to Photostory 2021. Did no other updating. Current Project is split into two shows. Input is a couple of JPGs and one MP4, cut in several places. No special effects. Indicates runtime of about 12 minutes. Selected Export and Full HD resolution, MP4. After about 45 minutes or so of mixing, status was showing 8% completion and 6+ hours to go. Stopped Export. Restarted with HD720 selected. Export completed in 7 - 8 minutes. File size was about 1.0 GB. Second show similar, runtime 19 minutes. with HD720 selected export to MP4 took 8 minutes.
Am I confused with what my previous options were when exporting to MP4 or what?