I am using MEP Plus v16.0.2.56 (UDP3)
Strange thing happens...Exporting video as MP4 and with preset Export Movie HDTV 1920x1080 H264 50FPS I already rendered several videos without problem,
Last I used the HTML option in the advanced settings, since then it went wrong....
Now when starting the rendering with same settings I see in the progress windows that no video data and no audio data is available. Also when the rendering is finished the final file is 0KB.
I tried to use different AVC preset settings in the advanced video settings, but nothing helps...
I can still render the same video project as HEVC and preset MP4 Full HD 1920x1080 50 and have no problems...
I included some screen pictures with the settings in AVC...
Any idea what happened ? Which settings should I use...? Thanks for the help... Jean Pierre