Context = MEP 2017 Plus v
I have a completed long concert recording which I now want to export for further work as several separate .MVD files. But there seems no obvious way in which to select just a portion of a project to export in this way. I hoped that there might be a way to take just the range selected (the blue marker running along the top of the timeline), but I haven't discovered any way to do this.
I also hoped there might be a work around by first moving the timeline cursor to before the start of the wanted segment, then selecting all earlier objects by one click, then deleting them; then moving the cursor to after the end of the wanted segment and similarly selecting all subsequent objects (again one click) then deleting them. I would finally export the wanted segment as .MVD and then recover the original project via two quick undos. But no such luck it would seem - I can't find any such magic select all before or select all after command.
The original recording is multi-camera and has hundreds of cuts, so the idea of normal selection by dragging out a marquee (which I would happily employ on a smaller scale) does not appeal - as well as the tedium involved, the risk of damage would be high.
Any alternative suggestions, please? Thank you.